Christmas is round the corner! Now’s the time to think about evangelism!

You’re joking right?!

Well, according to Laura Brett, our Evangelism Consultant, it takes three months to put on and plan an event ahead of time. So if you decide a date on 1st September, then that will be a good time to think about 1st December carols for example!

If you’re planning a yearly special event, here’s our top tips!

MUST DO – now!

  1. Meet with your team
    Pray and discuss what you’ll do – and meet together this summer!
  2. Set a date well in advance
    This needs to be AT LEAST 3 MONTHS in advance! This allows plenty of time for INTERCESSORY PRAYER and Team PREPARATION.
  3. What will the format be?
    It’s up to you… Consider your audience too when deciding!
  4. Invite a speaker, if relevant
    This person needs to have an evangelistic anointing to speak and lead the response.

What to consider…

  • Speakers must be compelling, sensitive and Spirit-filled!
    They must not be overly exhortational or haranguing! There is a “Recommended Speakers” list to help you with this.
  • Communicate expectations in advance
    Allow the speaker freedom to speak as the Spirit leads. However, do make sure you communicate with them beforehand about any expectations, boundaries and the demographic of your meeting.
  • Plan to serve exceptional hospitality!
    Refreshments and cake or cheese & biscuits and wine!
  • A warm welcome is crucial!
    Work particularly hard on the welcome – use gifted welcomers.
  • A neutral venue
    Choose a venue which is inviting, neutral and comfortable.
  • Publicity
    Invest in some good publicity – make in-person announcements at lead up meetings, advertise in newsletters, produce flyers and posters and social media updates. Don’t be put off by how to promote it – think outside the box and get creative! Is there a teenager, friend or colleague who could pay a small amount to do this for you?
  • Pray!
    Seek the Lord for what he wants to do and how he wants to do it!
  • Keep “evangelism” central
    Everything needs to be tailored to serve the evangelism.
  • Choose music carefully
    Choose worship songs carefully and make them accessible to all who might come.
  • Practicalities of sound
    The PA system should be of sufficient quality that it is unnoticed.
  • Bring a friend
    Regular Attendees should be briefed to bring a Plus One (at least).
  • Testimony:
    Include a powerful and interesting testimony – real people, real stories with the three winsome H’s: Honesty, Humour and Humility. Make sure that the theology is sound.
  • Space to respond
    Allow people an opportunity to respond to the Gospel. 
  • Decide what kind of appeal to use
    People putting hands up? People standing up? People coming forward to give their lives and be filled with the Spirit.
  • Designate in advance
    Ensure there are people available who are confident to lead people to the Lord
  • What do you give them?
    Ensure that a range of literature is available: Scripture portions, Bibles, a supply of books dealing with particular issues. How do we do follow people up?
  • Follow up?
    Decide a way to follow up after the meeting has ended.  Email may be the least threatening or a small card with details of the website and a contact address might be very useful.
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