october, 2020

mon05oct9:22 ammon9:22 amLANGPORT FILLING STATION - LOOKING FORWARD9:22 am - 9:22 am

Event Details


In our last email we informed you that, sadly, our monthly Filling Station would not resume until early 2021. That indeed is still our intention, and in confident hope we have booked the Ridgway Hall and a speaker for the evening of Friday the 8th of January, but in the meantime we would like to share with you what we believe God is saying to us about the future shape of our gatherings, and to ask you for your feedback and help.

When we started the Langport Filling Station four years ago, our aims were twofold: –

  • To provide a place where Christians living in Langport, Huish, and the surrounding villages could meet together to support, encourage and pray for one another on a regular basis outside of the necessary boundaries of our various denominations and traditions. Formerly this need had been met by Langport Area Christians Together, but this no longer seems to function as it once did.
  • To explore together ways and means of worship, fellowship, and teaching which for some were not available to them in their respective churches, and to help each other to become and remain “topped up” spiritually – hence the name “Filling Station”! If as a part of this some came to saving faith in Jesus for the first time, that would be a very welcome “bonus”.

Whether these aims have been fulfilled, we cannot tell. We must trust our Lord’s judgement in this regard, and this we are content to do. We are conscious, however, that he has given us an opportunity, through the suspension of meetings during the coronavirus pandemic, to step back and take a careful and prayerful look at what we are doing; what we can do this not just as the “responsible team”, but in partnership with those faithful friends who have been supportive of the Filling Station over the past months and years.

We have a number of thoughts and ideas running around in our heads and are so aware of our need of spiritual gift of discernment. But rather than weary you with these now (this email is already long enough) we are asking you to pray, and then to share with us as soon as you feel able to, please, what your concerns are in all of this. We really do need your input; this is not just our enterprise, it is the Lord’s, and we are all in it together.

Please feel free to email or telephone with your feedback. It would be good to have a meaningful chat! The contact names and numbers for this are: –

Ken Rose, 01458 252275, email: kandmrose@yahoo.co.uk

Martin Hornby, 01458251095, email: mph40cdorm@sky.com

Yours in love and fellowship

The Langport Filling Station team.


(Monday) 9:22 am - 9:22 am

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